lunedì 13 maggio 2013

Cookbook: download and share it!

The outcome of the project Mediterranean Diet is the cookbook in which we collected recipes coming from the 4 countries involved in the project.

This is the introduction:
This cookbook is the outcome of the project “Mediterranean Diet” promoted by Yap Italia, De Amicitia, Elix, Gençtur and the municipality of San Giorgio a Cremano (NAPOLI). The project was financed by the Programme Youth in Action of the European Commission. The “Mediterranean Diet” is a youth exchange
project (action 1.1) involving 20 people from 4 different countries: Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey. The exchange took place in San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) from May 03th to May 12th 2013. The main idea of the exchange was intercultural learning through food and eating habits, reflecting upon the connection between the way you eat and the way you feel. Participants had the opportunity to identify the differences and the similarities among traditional food cultures of four Mediterranean countries.
The activities involved sharing one’s own food cultures with the others, getting to know the
similarities and the differences of every country’s culture: through workshops and non-formal
education activities, the participants discovered more about the other countries, in order to eliminate the barriers and the prejudices among them. The participants were also involved in inter-generational activities by meeting the elderly people of San Giorgio a Cremano and sharing traditional food cultures of their own grandparents. The food was the basic instrument for this exchange of experiences.
Another aim of the project was to rediscover the wholesome traditions, focusing on the use of local products from an ecological point of view too. The choice of these products has a close relation with the carbon’s emissions: in fact, the energetic resources consumed are lower than the one used for the products that come from far places. We maintain that the use of local products, indeed, might be convenient due to the reduced consumption of energetic resources that it generates.
The cookbook that you are reading includes recipes written by all the participants involved in the project. Moreover, special emphasis is given on recipes, made with leftovers food. The last part of the cookbook is dedicated to the food glossary that contains information about the ingredients that were used in recipes.
Finally, the cookbook has been already uploaded on a web platform where the participants will able to
share contents after the exchange, thus ensuring a follow-up of the experience. In the first part we had some interviews with the participants of the project by asking questions related to their eating habits and ideas of
Mediterranean diet. They were asked to express their preferences about local and imported products, the
time they spend for cooking and the differences between the way you cook nowadays and the way
your grandparents used to.
In the second part we asked questions to the local people about their interest in using local products,
their affords to teach their children the traditional ways of cooking and eating habits to avoid the consumption of junk food.
Moreover, senior people from AGAPE (association that works with disabled) were asked if they are
aware of the waste of food and have any recipes which are prepared with leftovers.
On the last day of the project the outcomes were presented during the final event that took place ın Villa Bruno, San Giorgio a Cremano, on 11th May 2013.

Download, cook and enjoy your meal and Mediterranean food and culture!

P.S. Special thanks to Fatma for the wonderful job done in editing this cookbook

Download cookbook