mercoledì 17 aprile 2013

Slow food - Pleasure of a good, clean and fair food

Slow Food is the other partner of our youth exchange. This association is involved for many years in the promotion of the good food, of another agricultural and development model. Recently, the association is promoting the reform of the so-called CAP, the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. 

Consecutively, the presentation of the association that you can read on their web site.
Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization with supporters in 150 countries around the world who are linking the pleasure of good food with a commitment to their community and the environment.

A non-profit member-supported association, Slow Food was founded in 1989 to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.

Today, we have over 100,000 members joined in 1,500 convivia – our local chapters – worldwide, as well as a network of 2,000 food communities who practice small-scale and sustainable production of quality foods.

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